Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Change Begets Opportunity
~ F.W. Nichol
Today marks the official end of the "How to Be Successful at Life" blog. The blog and I have had a sometimes acrimonious relationship - there were days where I'd either spend an hour staring at a blank screen, browsing the news sites looking for inspiration, or typing then deleting numerous pieces because none of them felt right... sometimes all of the latter. But in the end, I came to appreciate the opportunities it gave me - to improve my written communication, to share my experiences, to offer my perspective and, sometimes, to simply let off some steam. Sometimes I would go weeks or months without knowing if I was writing it for anyone other than myself, and then suddenly, out of nowhere, what I said would resonate for someone and I'd receive an email of agreement, dissent or simply a compliment on the blog itself - and I'd see that the reach was greater than I'd believed. To all of those people who followed and read regularly - thank you. You made it worthwhile.
However, as happens regularly in life - one road ends and another begins... such is the case here. I will continue to write on the Mondays every week, but it will be on a different blog: It is my sincerest hope that for those few that followed regularly they will come across to the other blog - but for those who don't, once again... my sincerest appreciation for following over the last two and-a-half years.
"Named must be your fear, before banish it you can" (Yoda). Time to embrace change and start a new path... hope to see you there with me.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Notes from The Handbook of Life
#7: When you go into a shared fridge or cupboard (ie. in your staff room) and come across something upon which you would like to snack, ask the person who's food it is - to do otherwise would often be called "stealing" in other circumstances. If, however, you are an utter douchebag and decide to partake in the snack anyway - at least have the decency to leave behind at least a serving for the person to whom the food actually belongs. Finally - if you come across a final serving, of food which you know is not yours, and THEN choose to eat it anyway - the person who owns the food may punch you in the mouth, if they so choose, the next time they see you.
From Chapter 6 - "Uncommon Sense"
#17: If you are refilling a publicly used soap, shampoo or conditioning dispenser which is clear (and therefore shows the appearance of the aforementioned substance) - make sure that the liquid you are pouring on top matches that which you are topping up. If it does not - STOP POURING IT... to do otherwise means the next person that comes along who possesses even a shred of personal accountability will have to take the dispenser off the wall, empty it (and thereby wasting what was poured in afterward), clean it and refill it. The person who had to clean up your mess may then punch you in the mouth, if they so choose, the next time they see you.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
What you seek, You already are
Currently, I'm reading The Book of Secrets, By Deepak Chopra. The saying holds true, that when the student is ready the teacher shall appear. This book couldn't have come at a better time in my life. Without trying to sounds too cliche this book has opened my mind to a whole new level of understanding. I wanted to share an important insight from the book, in regards to seeking. Seeking, is basically just another word for chasing. We're all chasing after something. We all have our motivators but what are we really after? Chopra says, "Seeking is a word often applied to the spirtual path - and often the people that seek a higher, better self, are the same people who once chased too hard after money and power. The problem with this is seeking begins with a false assumption - the chase, in fact takes you outside yourself. Productive seeking requires that you throw out all assumptions that there is a prize to be won. this means acting without hope of rising to some ideal self, hope being a wish that you'll get somewhere better that the place you started from. You are starting from yourself, and its the self that contains all the answers. So you have to give up on the idea that you must go from A to B." Are you falling into a habit of seeking? What is it that you seek? Look no more, because what you seek, you already are. Be a genuine seeker and avoid these pitfalls:
1) Don't know where you're going:
Spiritual growth is spontaneous. The big events come along unexpectedly, and so do the small ones. A single word can open your heart; a single glance can tell you who you really are. Awakening doesn't happen according to the plan. It's much more like putting together a jigsaw puzzle without knowing the finished picture in advance. All you can imagine in advance are images, and images are never the same as the goal
2) Don't struggle to get there:
If there was a spiritual payoff at the end of the trail, like a pot of gold or the key to heaven, everyone would work as hard as possible for the reward. Any struggle would be worth it. But does it help a two year old to struggle to become three? No, because the process of child development unfolds from within. The same is true for spiritual unfolding. It happens just as naturally as childhood development, but on the plane of awareness rather than in the realm of physiology.
3) Don't follow someone else's map:
If you follow someone else's map, you could be training yourself in a fixed way of thinking. Fixed ways, even those devoted to spirit, are not the same as being free. You should glean teachings from all directions, keeping true to those that bring progress yet remaining open to changes in yourself.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Inconsistency Begets Hypocrisy
Take the Canadian whale hunt - which has been allowed for certain indigineous tribes under the guise of preserving a traditional component of their culture. Frankly, I believe that this argument has merit - and should be allowed, with a certain degree of regulation. That being said though, the government needs to ensure that it happens under a tightly controlled set of parameters to protect the whale population, but more importantly - if the Inuit and Northwest Coast tribes are using the argument that it's part of their tradition... they should do it traditionally. This means: no speedboats, and certainly no high-powered rifles... paddle boats and harpoons, and that's it. Is it dangerous? Absolutely. But this is the decision that they should be left with - not "this is part of our traditions" and then applying 21st century technology to it.
Furthermore, as soon as our leaders begin making exceptions for one or two special interest groups, more and more people begin asking for them and they will actually have merit to their requests. Consider this when you find yourself in a leadership position - if you maintain a consistent approach, people will not only know ahead of time what your response will likely be, but they will also know that your answer for them will be the same for everyone. Remember that your role is to lead, not to be people's friends... you may not always be liked, but you will be respected.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
The road these athletes take from first being diagnosed with their disability, to making the Paralympics, is truly remarkable and inspirational. If you need inspiration, turn to these paralympians and read about their story. This will certainly get you back on track.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Putting Yourself Out There
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Someone Is Always Watching
Oh, I know, there are always exceptions to the rule - the kid from a rough family that goes to school and becomes a lawyer or doctor, or the one from a white-collar family with loving parents that goes sideways down the wrong path. But as a whole, we directly influence how the next generation turns out - and this has never been more obvious than physically. To put it simply - overweight parents had overweight kids, and fit parents had fit kids. Which makes sense, really - when a child's brought up in an environment of activity and relatively good eating habits by parents who do the same, then they basically have to go against the grain in order to turn out otherwise.
I suppose the biggest thing that shocked me when looking at this front-and-center was not the similarities from parent to child, but rather that the parent would allow this to happen. If you looked down at your offspring, and saw that they were heading for the same 10-20-30 (and so on) pounds overweight that you are already at, and possibly doing it faster, isn't that enough to get you out of your selfish and egocentric position to actually start making changes?
Based on what I saw - apparently not.
So - this was written to be directed at those same people, and it's a polite request: please, if you have children or are responsible for them, remember that you're a role model. Remember that there's someone (a very impressionable someone) watching you, and basing their actions on what they see you do. If you smoke, it must be alright. If you drink, it must be alright. If you are obese... well, it must be alright.
Yes, parenthood is a heavy burden, but it is also an amazing and wonderful amount of power that's been placed in your hands. Just don't forget the immortal words of Peter Parker's uncle, Ben:
"With great power, comes great responsibility."
Now - put that power to positive use, and help to create a future that's worth living.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
You’ve got 2 choices. You can take it and learn from it or fight it a run away.
There will be a time in your life where you will be faced with a path laid out as simple as this. Either you will know or either you will be told. The thing to remember is that either you have found out because you have been making the same mistake over and over and over and it’s just hitting you in the face or someone is taking the time (their time) to provide you with the solution (feedback) So for god sake, thank them and move forward instead of holding on to what you think is right, clogging the gears of life and get over it.
We start our path at many levels. We can move up or we can choose to move down. Call it what you want but call it for what it is – inevitable that we are here to learn lessons and pay those lessons forward.
To cut this dry – don’t waste time (yours and everyone’s around you) 2feet in and learn from those who have made the mistakes before you.
If you are lucky, that person won’t give up and will provide that lesson again.
Monday, March 8, 2010
So one week has passed since the amazing adventure of the Vancouver 2010 Olympics. No words can express the life changing experience that canadians witnessed over the Games.
When the olympics were first established in greece in 776 AD, the purpose of the games was to bring people together through sport and to honor the greek gods. Still today, centuries later, that is still the purpose; uniting billions of athletes, spectators and families together.
We were all lucky to witness this experience first hand. The Vancouver olympics brought not only our own city, our nation but the world together through this amazing adventure. We experienced and shared victory, we witness heartbreak, we heard unbelievable stories of the athletes and there journey to the games, we saw dedication, determination and athleticism.
No one wanted these games to end. When the president of the IOC officially closed the games at the closing ceremonies, there was a silent hush that came over the crowd. The citizens of vancouver and the visitors that came to our city, witnessed a nation come alive. Everywhere there we people; on the street, in restaurants, temporarily houses, at sporting venues, at victory ceremonies, and watching the live entertainment that happened for 17 days straight.
Lets continue to use the energy that was created over the last two weeks in our regular day to day lives and be inspired by the stories and victories to do something great.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Carry It Forward - Properly
However, as we move forward - we must be sure to remember where we came from. As wonderful as this all has been, and as moving as its been being swept up in the fervor, Steve Yzerman said it best when he pointed out that we need to keep in mind what got us there first place, and not allow ourselves to get cocky or arrogant.
If we forget this, we cease to possess the special balance of qualities that allowed us as a country to become so much more than we were, and to demonstrate (in only a small fraction) how incredibly powerful we could be should we learn how to harness this energy and enthusiasm. We must also keep always in mind those traits that the world fell in love with: kindness, dignity, respect, courtesy... and most importantly, humility.
Thank you all for showing the world how incredible we can all be - now, go forth and represent.
Go Canada.
Here it comes again!
Fitness Fantasy is ready to drop in Vancouver…with a twist.
In the past, Innovative Fitness has been our flagship contest promoting healthy living with the help of Global TV and the Province. Applicants are directed to a site to enter to win an opportunity to train with us over a 90day period. Over this time contestants are training at each of the 4 IF locations in greater Vancouver. They are awarded points for attending scheduled workouts, participating in events, attitude, weight and cm’s lost etc… The prizes are fabulous and the creation of healthy habits is the real prize.
This year, we are opening up the contest to the entire province of BC. Anyone can enter to participate and are eligible to win prizes plus gain the same benefits as our in-house contestants.
This is the biggest health and wellness initiative to have ever been introduced to BC and our one and only goal is for 1 ton of weight loss in BC!
Just by signing up Mar 13th, you will receive a health guide and everything you can imagine to help you reach your health goals.
What’s your next step?
· Enter to be 1 of 4 couples to train with our in-house contest (call for entries February 22nd)
· Enter the 90 day at home program
· Receive all the free programming, menu plans and support you need!
What do you say? Are you up for the Fitness Fantasy 2010?
Check out for all the details and information.