You’ve got 2 choices. You can take it and learn from it or fight it a run away.
There will be a time in your life where you will be faced with a path laid out as simple as this. Either you will know or either you will be told. The thing to remember is that either you have found out because you have been making the same mistake over and over and over and it’s just hitting you in the face or someone is taking the time (their time) to provide you with the solution (feedback) So for god sake, thank them and move forward instead of holding on to what you think is right, clogging the gears of life and get over it.
We start our path at many levels. We can move up or we can choose to move down. Call it what you want but call it for what it is – inevitable that we are here to learn lessons and pay those lessons forward.
To cut this dry – don’t waste time (yours and everyone’s around you) 2feet in and learn from those who have made the mistakes before you.
If you are lucky, that person won’t give up and will provide that lesson again.
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