Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Change Begets Opportunity

"When you get right down to the root meaning of the word 'succeed', you find that it simply means to 'follow through'."
~ F.W. Nichol

Today marks the official end of the "How to Be Successful at Life" blog. The blog and I have had a sometimes acrimonious relationship - there were days where I'd either spend an hour staring at a blank screen, browsing the news sites looking for inspiration, or typing then deleting numerous pieces because none of them felt right... sometimes all of the latter. But in the end, I came to appreciate the opportunities it gave me - to improve my written communication, to share my experiences, to offer my perspective and, sometimes, to simply let off some steam. Sometimes I would go weeks or months without knowing if I was writing it for anyone other than myself, and then suddenly, out of nowhere, what I said would resonate for someone and I'd receive an email of agreement, dissent or simply a compliment on the blog itself - and I'd see that the reach was greater than I'd believed. To all of those people who followed and read regularly - thank you. You made it worthwhile.

However, as happens regularly in life - one road ends and another begins... such is the case here. I will continue to write on the Mondays every week, but it will be on a different blog: It is my sincerest hope that for those few that followed regularly they will come across to the other blog - but for those who don't, once again... my sincerest appreciation for following over the last two and-a-half years.

"Named must be your fear, before banish it you can" (Yoda). Time to embrace change and start a new path... hope to see you there with me.



Winnie said...

Very nice information here. I really like the way of explaining each and everything in a very subsequent manner about law to success. This post is really helpful to everyone.

Anonymous said...

Great Information. Your Blog seems to be a great source of information about life. Keep writing. Take a look at my blog.
I also love to write on life related subjects.

The Ultimate Life Guide

Nina Ali said...

it was lovely reading ur blog, just wondered where the first picture of long road was taken, thank you