Thursday, January 14, 2010


So a friend of ours was in town for Christmas and during a particularly raucous visit he proceeds to tell us a story about a new Sushi restaurant that has opened in his hometown named Kai. The big draw for the $150 an hour meals is that they serve Sushi on live, nude young women. Now we are enjoying his tale of mayhem immensely as he describes this poor girl lying on a table surrounded by techies, all knee deep in Saki, chatting away with her enjoying and the fact that she isn't supposed to talk as they are simultaneously looking for the wasabi.

A couple of days later I was thinking about this idea that has been around for decades in Japan and the art of presentation. It is amazing that as a result of a very expensive dinner this restaurant is now the topic of conversation for the fifteen attendees for countless further dinner parties! That is advertising you just can't make up.

The moral of the story I suppose is next time I present an idea, argument or myself I will think back to the importance of the first impression and presentation.

- Angela Tames

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