Wednesday, January 13, 2010


True story for everyone:

In London, England, there lives a doctor by the name of Richard Dawson who, when parking his scooter on his own property - receives a parking ticket from the local traffic wardens . So, he fights the ticket - and the bureaucrats at the Traffic Registry simply tell him he's wrong, he owes the money.

He doesn't pay.

He gets another ticket, same approach, same problem. Thus it continues for the next ten years, as over thirty tickets build and build. Finally, being fed up, he goes over the head of the registry. He goes to court, where he travels all the way up to the Court of Appeal of England and Wales armed with the deed of the land and proof that he owns the portion of property on which he's parked.

And he loses.

The judge (Lord Justice Sedley, for anyone who's curious), finds that although he does, indeed, have legal right and entitlement to the piece of land he's parking on - since the public has access to it as well, they can ticket him.

I don't even know where to begin voicing my outrage at this. Whether it's the fact that the traffic wardens have so little self-esteem and confidence that they need to be complete a**holes to make themselves feel like they have a value to society, or the fact that the judge himself shows that education and experience do not guarantee intelligence - there are so many things wrong with it, that I find myself once again wishing that there was a forum in which to expose and hold accountable all those for whom common sense is replaced by stupidity.

Why is it that people like this are often the ones who wind up running our governments?


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