Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas communication

How was your communication this Christmas? Was it a challenge?
It’s interesting when we get together with family that we haven’t seen since maybe the last Christmas dinner…

As we challenge ourselves, our teammates and our customers – don’t forget that it shouldn’t stop there. We have the opportunity to challenge our family and friends. That even goes so far as to challenge our family that we don’t see as much as our immediate family.

A couple weeks ago I received an email from a cousin that I hardly see. A few years ago she moved east to live with her new husband and has since then moved a little closer now that they had their first child. Their plans are to move back to Van but time will tell when that will happen…

Anyway, in this email she was asking for some advice about loosing weight – she gained a couple pounds while she was pregnant and now that it has been a year she has decided to put herself out there and ask for help.

Systems – we all know them…

I emailed her back right away and gave her some words of encouragement along with a couple documents on nutrition and post pregnancy training. I also included a food log and asked for it to be completed for me to look at within a week…

I followed up with a phone call when she arrived in Van. We chatted about personal family stuff and then I dropped the bomb…’so, when are we meeting to workout?’

She laughed and said, ‘how about this weekend?’
‘No problem’ I replied, ‘I’m coaching circuit but Ill meet you at kits rec at noon on Sat’
The phone was silent….’I guess I’ll see you then’ she responded…

Saturday came and circuit was great. I blasted out the door and drove through the snow to get to her. I parked and picked up my cell – ‘I’m here’ I answered to her hello…
‘Oh, wow – I’ll be right there’ she said surprisingly.

Within 4min she came running across the street and we went inside the local gym.

We trained together for an hour – I did what we do everyday – safely pushed her outside of her comfort zone and supported her along the way.
The hour came to a close and I told her that we were done and that it was time to stretch…
‘Wow – that went fast and those exercises were fun!’ she said while she lay on the floor in a pool of sweat…
‘You did a great job Teal – lets meet tomorrow for another hour of something a little different’ I replied.

We did meet and we did do another hour of exciting exercises…We met afterwards and continued the process over lunch. We looked at her next quarter. Assessed her commitment levels and skill set. We developed a program and choose a long term goal along with a couple short term goals to help her get there.
She is now armed with the tools to help her achieve success. I will provide support and friendly challenge in the form of food logs and phone call check-ins.

This is just us doing what we do best….

Don’t think that our family and friends don’t need the challenge too.

It may be the best gift you can provide someone…Especially with the New Year right around the corner…

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