Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year's...

Call me what you want - I don't like New Year's... and it's the same reason I don't like Valentine's Day (amongst other "celebrations").

Don't misunderstand me - it's not that I resent celebration, but these are simply the false constructs of a society, ultimately meaningless in terms of accomplishments. To use more specific examples - on Valentine's Day, the commercialized elements of our culture have put us in the position that if we're in a relationship, we're asked to step up and do things that we should be doing regularly - only we're supposed to pay double what we normally do, because it's a "special" day. Similarly, if you're not in a relationship, it can leave you feeling somehow lacking that on this "special" day, you don't have someone "special" to spend it with. On New Year's Eve, you head out on the road (with, inevitably, people who should not be driving), have what is usually a very mediocre evening, spend three times what you normally would, wait 2 hours for a cab ride home and wake up with a hangover and nothing to show for it.


Instead, I have a few suggestions for 2009.
  • Don't make resolutions - set goals. Long term and short term, realistic, achievable, and meaningful - and then complete them.
  • Don't wait for ONE day to show your partner how much they mean to you - do it every single day of the year, in one way or another.
  • Don't wait for that ONE day to let your Mom or Dad know how much you appreciate what they did for you.
  • In fact, simply don't wait for tomorrow to do what you can today... take advantage of the opportunity that every day can offer to make your life, and the lives of those around you, better!
Happy 2009, everyone!!


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