Tuesday, December 23, 2008


The set of reasons that determines one to engage in a particular behaviour…

Extrinsic motivation (external inspiration) comes from outside the performer…

Intrinsic motivation (from within) occurs when people engage in an activity such as a hobby without obvious external incentives…

What motivates you?

Historically, one is motivated by fear, greed and or trust. Knowing this, which category do you choose to fall in? or, do you choose to think outside of the box and move against the grain to create your own set of standards/rules – really, the choice is yours and that’s the best part…rules (for the most part) are meant to be broken. Now it’s not like cooking or taking photos rules - there are no predetermined moulds for each of us and that’s why there are a few who don’t fall within the preset parameters of these said rules/moulds…

I am scared of that so I will do this…

I want that so I will do this…

I trust them so I will perform like this…

Intrinsically, why not be sure of yourself, accept and fear nothing…intrinsically motivate through these means and we will never fail. For what does failure look like from someone who fears no failure?

Extrinsically, why not look at the high ground and away from drama/low heavy feelings. Looking in the mirror may be the best extrinsic motivator out there…

When I was younger, I was angry – at what I’m not sure - possibly not understanding myself or my surroundings… As I age, I see with open eyes and mind – less in my way – being my biggest adversary has come and gone. I don’t need to prove anything to myself out of fear or anger…the days have passed where my inner demons have propelled me forward to crush my opponents in the dust and their failures…

It’s on a world level now – seeing only a fraction now, I realize (like many have before me) that there is so much more than getting ahead of my fellow man…

When I put my clicker on to change lanes only to have the car in that lane speed up, I smile and take a moment because it’s not their time yet. They are still travelling and they may or may not realize the truth in this lifetime…but they will because we all will eventually…unfortunately it may be too late for them…

Live each day and expect nothing.

Treat everything the way you picture success.

It starts with self – what’s your picture of success?

Are you ready?

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