Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Poor Losers

You know those people who get scored on, but then argue over and over and over that the shot didn't go in, until a few people either agree with them or everybody just quits arguing because it's easier? You know how frustrating it is to be a part of a game like that, and how embarrassing it is to see someone behaving that way?

I feel like that right now, watching our country's leaders squabbling like schoolchildren, watching this "Coalition of the Unelected" trying to seize power through political wrangling and constitutional niceties - frankly, it makes me furious.

This is not a partisan rant, mind you - to me, the specific parties and their platform are irrelevant in this case. No, what makes me so incredibly angry right now is that Stephan Dion, who DID NOT WIN the election (minority or otherwise), is now on the verge of declaring himself Prime Minister.

Yes, it's an inherent flaw with our multi-party system, and yes, we always run the risk of having a minority government as a result... and frankly, maybe I don't like the way the Conservatives are handling the economy, maybe I don't like Stephen Harper himself, and maybe I wish someone else had won in the first place.

None of this is pertinent. In the end, Harper and the Conservatives were (mathematically) voted into power, and thus they are the ones leading the country - if we don't like it, we can vote them down in the next election. But potentially having people running our country, who didn't win the election when they were playing by EXACTLY THE SAME RULES... well, that's an absolute outrage.

Now, many of you may be thinking "Who really cares, it doesn't affect me"... to you people, I ask if you thought the same thing when the media caught wind of a few people who were having their mortgages go into foreclosure in the States 6 months ago? Believe me, this entire debacle in our government has the whole world thinking that Canada's a potentially incompetent country that can't take care of their own backyard, let alone help the rest of the world. This has the potential to seriously affect our economy, which will affect your jobs in the end, and for this you should be equally outraged and concerned.

The last thing we need in this time of instability is political bickering and school yard nonsense. We need our leaders to let the duly elected party run the country. We need to show the world that we are stable. We need to let our democratic process, whether we like the results or not, run its course.

We need our leaders to start acting like leaders.


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