Wednesday, April 30, 2008

10 Suggestions to go by

1. Lead by Example : Hear/See/Do/Teach - Include those around you through setting an example, bcc'ing, getting them to report to you, etc.

2. Delegation. When you delegate and follow up consistently, you are actually holding someone accountable to take work off your plate.

3. Plan. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. If you don't plan and have great time management you won't get everything done in a day.
· When you think of something to follow up on - write it down.
· When someone asks for something - write it down
· People fail to write things down and then wonder why they forget to get even the basics done.

4. Sacrifice and Communicate. Know what you have to focus on and know what can afford to take a back seat for the time being. Break down your percentages by doing your Personal Plan and then devote yourself to your goal and it’s imperative that you communicate with those around you (significant other/f/friends and family). In return, people will support the time that you are putting in.

5. Don’t think you don’t have Time. Plain and simple. Look at the schedules that those very close to us for example (Matt, Jeff S, Curtis ) have to juggle and still manage to get insane amounts of work accomplished in a day.
Some Specifics
1. Answer emails and then delete them. Get them off your plate and completed as soon as you can. go in before work and clean up any that you didn't get to the night before (because you went to bed).

2. Ensure you utilize the hour to communicate to your customers. Nutrition, holding them accountable to their excuses, book in extra sessions, confirm TBC's, selling or buying a bike, their goals, etc. if you don't then you feel the pressure that you have to go on email (if you want to lead your customers at a high level) and do all this in another hour.

3. Keep people busy. New coaches shouldn't be sitting around riding a bike at 60rpms or in the back doing nothing. If you or the facility needs something done...take advantage of the wandering bodies.

4. Spend time calling your customers/team mates/family/etc. on your drive home every day. Have planned out discussions and take advantage of that time.
5. Lead a team mate/customer by training with them. Don’t only train with the customers or team mates that you’re comfortable with. Train with the new guys/new customers to get a better understanding of who they are and learn how they like to be lead/pushed/motivated.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Actions speak louder than words, but not nearly as often...(Mark Twain)

We hear this saying time in and time out, but how many of us really think about how it impacts, not only our lives, but those around us?

I spend 2 hours out of my week playing basketball with a 15yr old kid that has never heard a sound in his life...not the rumble of a plane, the thump of a basketball, the screech of a car, or even the radio - yet we are still able to talk about the Canucks, his day at school, what girls he likes, what motivates him at basketball, (and my signing is not that good, believe me!) etc...

He is a constant reminder for me that DOING / SHOWING / LEADING drives people more than any amount of inspirational words or conversation. BE the person you want others to be around you...

If I walk over to the hoop and slowly shoot the ball - guess what he does...
If I run up to the hoop and dunk - his eyes light up and guess what he wants to do...

I know it must seem ironic that I am WRITING about this topic - but if we are all able to:

  • Demonstrate more exercises
  • Do MORE of the destinations we promote
  • Lead by example at every opportunity possible
  • Create excitement and energy through body language
  • Talk about these things a little less

We will all be doing our part...

Monday, April 28, 2008

to teach, to lead, to make a differance

Today I went for a bike ride with a friend and had an interesting conversation. He's a school teacher - not just any school teacher, but an incredible and inspiring one. What makes him so special is that he CARES. Yes, in a day and age when we are so busy with our own personal lives, he truly cares for his students. He inspires them to be better then they are, challenges them to step up to the plate and helps them discover their true potential - however deep it may be buried. Often he is working with troubled kids who are known as the 'bad' kids, the kid all the other teachers want nothing to do with. He has his fair share of stories where he's helped a kid succeed and move on to do greater things. Listening to him talk is incredible - he is so passionate about teaching. He loves it, it's his calling. He loves making a difference with these kids and seeing them change - it's rewarding to be making a difference.

After talking for a while he says 'so, you know why these kids are so messed up, why they are bad, and in the rough crowd, or have low self esteem. they aren't bad kids. In fact I would never want to take anything out on these kids, but if I had 5 minutes with these kid's parents...' Why yes, I do know what you mean! What he does with kids is exactly what we do with adults.

He teaches and mentors, helps others get over their own personal baggage. This is what we do everyday. Teachers are Leaders and Leaders are Teachers - 24/7. He does it through the classroom and we do it through the gym. For someone like this guy, to be so passionate about what he does, and to be in the role he is, is incredible. Same goes for us. We have the capability to do incredible things. What can possible be more rewarding then helping others realize their greatness. Young or old - it's never too late. By us helping others when they are older it will ensure that none of their baggage is left to their children - and then teachers like my friend will have less 'problem cases' to deal with.

What frustrates him so much, and others who see it so obviously, is the environment that these kids are forced to live with. Kids don't have a choice where they sleep at night - and often don't even realize the affects. Many kids overcome this to do great things - but it takes someone like our teacher friend to mentor them and show them the way. To spend time with them - to CARE. I'm sure we've all had a teacher or two like this, a great teacher like our friend. Think of how you can look back now and realize how much of an influence they had on you. What if we could have people look back on us and realize how much of an influence we had on them. Think of how many lives have been challenged and changed through what we do - and not only directly - what about all those indirectly influenced in a positive manner. What if there were more teachers, coaches, trainers, mentors, etc etc like this - more who cared, and took a moment out of their own busy lives to work on the betterment of someone else's' life. We are all leaders, and we are all teachers. At any given moment in time there is someone looking up to us - why not give them a reason to remember you as someone who made a difference.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

1st Blog

To be able to work with like-minded individuals who are on cutting-edge and towards a common goal is an opportunity that not alot of people have. Over the past year I have seen so many exciting changes take place within the organization including the development of the IF Leadership Forum. I am honored to be a part of this group who I see as the IF generation who will take the entire wheel to the next level. At 29 years old working with people who have such great skills and passion is something to be thankful for.

My objective to being part of this group is on give and take basis. I want to learn as much as possible from each one of you and at the same time be able to share what I know or have experienced. I am a people person and my goals in life have always been working with a team, supportive environment, healthy living, world experience, building ideas and helping others.

Looking at where I am, where I came from and what I do each day proves that I am very lucky. It is so important to recognize these things in life during the present while not dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. Expressing gratitude is very important to make the most of each day and I will say that over the past year has helped me tremendously and cleared my mind to start moving to the next level as an individual and as a leader within IF. The greatest wealth is to appreciate what we have and what we are. In my life, which is very close to yours this is what we have:

-Working with people in a fun environment. Would you rather sit at a desk for 12hrs a day crunching numbers?
-Healthy and active. So many people wish they could be more active. Look at the body you have that comes naturally.
-There is a beach with clean water and fresh air half a block from W.Van IF. Have you looked around to appreciate this? Would you rather be in an industrial park?
-I have my own place with furniture that I love to come home to. 4years ago I did not have anything. I came to Vancouver with a suitcase.
-There is a group of people that will hear and support your ideas. We each have a voice that is heard. How many people do you know that are simply a pawn in a greater game?
-Opportunity, a word heard over and over but is true. Can you say you have had as many options and things to be a part of in any other careeer?

Have you given thought to this? What things in your life are you grateful for? How far have you come over the past few years?
With that I will finish my 1st blog and say thanks for having me part of something bigger, something that is turning and moving forward.


Thursday, April 24, 2008

Leading Individually


When leading individuals it is important to do so on a person-to-person basis.

Treat everyone on the team as an exception by identifying what makes them unique and keeping these things in mind when dealing with them.

-This will allow you to keep their focus and ensure that they are getting the message.

Spend more time with the stronger team members and use them to help bring along the rest of the team rather than trying to do it all on our own.

-This will allow you to deliver the message you need to get out there, but from a different voice / person than yourself.

Direct teammates towards the things that they’re passionate about and that suit their strengths and we will then create heroes at all levels.

-This will allow you to make sure that they will be to participate and have a higher potential for success.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Prevent yourself from Spreading Thin

Far too often customers are not being led at a high enough level due to the fact that they are not given the amount of attention and accountability required to facilitate changes in their overall health and fitness.

This supports why we must stick to putting 80%  of our focus/attention on 20% of our Customer Care (CC) list.  Otherwise, we'll end up wasting valuable time as it is very difficult to lead 20 plus customers all at the same level.

Looking at one's CC list, one must acknowledge who has already been fully dialed in and needs only the occassional follow-up compared to customers that need to be held accountable on a regular basis and have not fully experienced what IF is all about.

Here's a few examples of what to look for when determining who you're going to focus on leading:

  • Pick the challenging customer's, not the customer's that need little guidance/support
  • Assess which Customer's require the most attention - Signed up for destinations, required to submit food logs
  • Look for potential bubble customers
  • Identify the customer's who have the ability to bring in several referral's
  • Once you have someone dialed in, put your focus on the next customer that needs it
With the added focus on the selected 20% of our CC list, the greater our chances will be to tap in to and connect far more on the 80% of life (Social,Spirtual, Intellectual, Emotional) and truly help make lifestyle changes.

Remember; " If you try to be everything to everyone, you end up being nothing to no one" - unknown

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Sharing about Sharing

Sharing...the idea seems easy enough when you think about it. Then you start asking yourself:

  • What do people want me to share?

  • Why do people want to hear about me?

  • How am I supposed to frame my sharing?

All my life I was taught about humility and modesty. When you are not accustom to sharing, and I mean really sharing, the humility and modesty that you have been tough comes in to question...

There is a process in learning how to share...and I don't believe that you can master it until you have gone through the steps:

Step 1: start sharing...just go for it

  • Picking up the phone to ask a question is hard (what do I ask / will I get in trouble / am I doing it for me or them)

  • Writing an email to pass info or talk about myself (will people think I am cocky or wrong?)

Step 2: getting over yourself

  • ask and learn - be a sponge - everyone will have advice for you
  • take the feedback as info - not a personal attack
  • You are going to get challenged - be ready for that

Step 3: don't get discouraged

  • the more you talk and share the the better you get at it

  • learn from others - let them learn from you - ask questions

Step 4: making it about others (How do I share at a higher level?)

  • share not only your experiences, but other people's as well

  • transfer your lesions and info through others - make them the focus

Don't stop the flow...

Monday, April 21, 2008

The big 3

Last week our team learned an important lesson on leadership. We were invited to share with everyone by responding to the questions 'what drives you' and what 'pisses you off.' What drives you to succeed, to be better then yesterday, to give 110% - whatever internal or external method you felt empowered you and drove you to be the best you can possibly be at your role - and this can apply to anything. Your role could be mom, husband, CEO, employee, president, etc. And the flip side of the coin - 'what pisses you off'
What was expected, because of many different backgrounds, experiences, roles, place in life, the 'what drives you' was varied from person to person.

What was surprising, or maybe not that surprising was the common theme behind what 'pisses you off' Almost every response - and there were over 30 of them from 3 different facilities included these 3 big traits as piss offs:

1.Victim Mentality

In fact, I'm positive that if you went into any business or leadership establishment that you would get these 3 traits as the most difficult to deal with when trying to motivate and lead staff/coworkers

1.How many times have you had to deal with someone who has a 'why me' attitude, or I've been dealt a crappy hand in life, so I now have a valid reason to leech off of society rather then contribute. Here's an idea - get over your 'victim mentality', you are not alone and the sooner you realize that, the sooner you can move on and actually live your life by giving back.

2.How about a co-worker or friend who thinks they are great for really doing nothing. This person will constantly talk themselves up - they will never ask how you are doing, or what they can do for you because everything is about them and their great victories. Perhaps a bit of humbleness for your accomplishments. If you have to constantly tell us how great you are, we begin to think you are trying to convince us and yourself, hoping you'll fool us to not see the real you - who is not that special at all. Arrogant people don't have a lot of followers and will never have anything valid to brag about. But there is hope for you and here's a start: bring people along with you for the great things you do, so you can learn to lead others to greatness, not just your arrogant self

3.And my personal favorite - the person who will not even get started in the first place, who will continue to procrastinate and have every excuse in the book for why they should have or could have done this and that. How about get off your ass and just do it! Laziness will never even allow you to see the opportunities presented because you'll be too busy thinking up your next excuse. Do you really need 5 reminders to do something, who's time are you wasting besides your own? pretty soon people will get sick of your lazy, excuse ridden attitude, and give up completely on you. You can have all the talent and potential in the world to succeed but if you can not even open the door to get started, then no one is going to waste their time to try and help you develop it.

It's funny, because many who had these 3 as piss offs are some of the same people who will allow themselves to be enticed by one, if not all, of the 3 on a daily basis. I'm not saying it's easy, because it's probably more difficult to decide to not be the victim, to not make excuses, and to turn off the tv. But what if we were aware of every time we were to use one of these - and held back. We know it's annoying to deal with in others, so why subject those very same co workers, managers, leaders, and owners to the same bullshit that we don't want to deal with? How better off would our businesses, families, schools, any organization run if we were to close our mouths the next time we wanted to pull the victim card, or have 10 reasons ready for why something we said would be complete was not, or decided to highlight someone else's achievement rather then our own? try it - try it for one hour, a day, or how about an entire week. See what happens - no more excuses, no more constantly talking about yourself, no more procrastination. Just get it done! I guarantee you'll be much more productive and contributing to your personal reasons that drive you to be great. We all have a conscious decision every day to be and act however we choose - let's choose to act according to our own morals, values, and truths - so if these 3 are really what piss us off, lets not use them in our daily lives.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

We are up and running!

I am looking forward to contibuting and reading all the posts on this blogspot. Combined, this leadership group has a massive amount of knowledge to share and this is a great way to discuss topics, ask questions and learn by writing!

Let the blogging begin!