Wednesday, April 30, 2008

10 Suggestions to go by

1. Lead by Example : Hear/See/Do/Teach - Include those around you through setting an example, bcc'ing, getting them to report to you, etc.

2. Delegation. When you delegate and follow up consistently, you are actually holding someone accountable to take work off your plate.

3. Plan. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. If you don't plan and have great time management you won't get everything done in a day.
· When you think of something to follow up on - write it down.
· When someone asks for something - write it down
· People fail to write things down and then wonder why they forget to get even the basics done.

4. Sacrifice and Communicate. Know what you have to focus on and know what can afford to take a back seat for the time being. Break down your percentages by doing your Personal Plan and then devote yourself to your goal and it’s imperative that you communicate with those around you (significant other/f/friends and family). In return, people will support the time that you are putting in.

5. Don’t think you don’t have Time. Plain and simple. Look at the schedules that those very close to us for example (Matt, Jeff S, Curtis ) have to juggle and still manage to get insane amounts of work accomplished in a day.
Some Specifics
1. Answer emails and then delete them. Get them off your plate and completed as soon as you can. go in before work and clean up any that you didn't get to the night before (because you went to bed).

2. Ensure you utilize the hour to communicate to your customers. Nutrition, holding them accountable to their excuses, book in extra sessions, confirm TBC's, selling or buying a bike, their goals, etc. if you don't then you feel the pressure that you have to go on email (if you want to lead your customers at a high level) and do all this in another hour.

3. Keep people busy. New coaches shouldn't be sitting around riding a bike at 60rpms or in the back doing nothing. If you or the facility needs something done...take advantage of the wandering bodies.

4. Spend time calling your customers/team mates/family/etc. on your drive home every day. Have planned out discussions and take advantage of that time.
5. Lead a team mate/customer by training with them. Don’t only train with the customers or team mates that you’re comfortable with. Train with the new guys/new customers to get a better understanding of who they are and learn how they like to be lead/pushed/motivated.

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