Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Prevent yourself from Spreading Thin

Far too often customers are not being led at a high enough level due to the fact that they are not given the amount of attention and accountability required to facilitate changes in their overall health and fitness.

This supports why we must stick to putting 80%  of our focus/attention on 20% of our Customer Care (CC) list.  Otherwise, we'll end up wasting valuable time as it is very difficult to lead 20 plus customers all at the same level.

Looking at one's CC list, one must acknowledge who has already been fully dialed in and needs only the occassional follow-up compared to customers that need to be held accountable on a regular basis and have not fully experienced what IF is all about.

Here's a few examples of what to look for when determining who you're going to focus on leading:

  • Pick the challenging customer's, not the customer's that need little guidance/support
  • Assess which Customer's require the most attention - Signed up for destinations, required to submit food logs
  • Look for potential bubble customers
  • Identify the customer's who have the ability to bring in several referral's
  • Once you have someone dialed in, put your focus on the next customer that needs it
With the added focus on the selected 20% of our CC list, the greater our chances will be to tap in to and connect far more on the 80% of life (Social,Spirtual, Intellectual, Emotional) and truly help make lifestyle changes.

Remember; " If you try to be everything to everyone, you end up being nothing to no one" - unknown

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