Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Actions speak louder than words, but not nearly as often...(Mark Twain)

We hear this saying time in and time out, but how many of us really think about how it impacts, not only our lives, but those around us?

I spend 2 hours out of my week playing basketball with a 15yr old kid that has never heard a sound in his life...not the rumble of a plane, the thump of a basketball, the screech of a car, or even the radio - yet we are still able to talk about the Canucks, his day at school, what girls he likes, what motivates him at basketball, (and my signing is not that good, believe me!) etc...

He is a constant reminder for me that DOING / SHOWING / LEADING drives people more than any amount of inspirational words or conversation. BE the person you want others to be around you...

If I walk over to the hoop and slowly shoot the ball - guess what he does...
If I run up to the hoop and dunk - his eyes light up and guess what he wants to do...

I know it must seem ironic that I am WRITING about this topic - but if we are all able to:

  • Demonstrate more exercises
  • Do MORE of the destinations we promote
  • Lead by example at every opportunity possible
  • Create excitement and energy through body language
  • Talk about these things a little less

We will all be doing our part...

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