Wednesday, June 18, 2008

got "it"?

We often hear about getting "it" or talk to the other coaches about what it means to finally get "it", but what exactly does that mean for each of us? I can't definitively say when it was that I first started getting "it" but what I can say is that I now see and understand things differently. So what exactly are some of these things you ask?
  • Not having to be constantly reminded about doing the basic responsibilities and instead, spending more time holding others accountable to getting them done
  • Being able to see and understand the schedule outside of my own training hours. Knowing which customers can move to which spots, who should be where and how to build hours when needed.
  • Understanding how each of the roles directly affects the other roles and how this ultimately leads to the success of the facility. (Customers into destinations.....Proper programs completed for the customers.....Customers achieving victory and spreading the word to their friends and families, which leads to more new customers)
  • Destinations aren't a part of our business, but rather, they are our business. As an aside, this is actually something that I'm really looking forward to with the franchise in Langley. Seeing the success that Curt has had with the destinations and making it the standard right from the start with all of the customers has been an integral part of his success, I believe, and is something that Guy and I are excited about.
  • Each and every team mate has something to contribute to the success of the team and facility and when it's not apparent right away it sometimes takes more effort on our part to draw that out.This may come in the form of spending time outside of the facility together, spending time doing what they enjoy or simply asking questions to find out more about them.
I'm curious to know what the rest of you think and how you know that you now get "it". PLEASE POST a comment in response to this blog so that we can all see each others contributions.



Joshua Allen said...

Amen. Destinations ARE our business not a part of it. I will also say that I "got it" when I realized that my time invested is directly proportional to what I recieve - and this goes for everything from pay, to the relationships to the learning.

Guy Demong said...

How do I know I've got "it"? I'm involved in I.F. 7 days a week, whether it's at the gym, hiking the Grind with a customer or riding for 6hrs with another one... and I never feel like I'm working.

Jason Sarai said...

I knew I had it following completing my PI and having conversations with customers about situations that were going on in their lives. I was confortable sharing things that have happened in my life and didn't really care what they thought about it. I knew I was giving the straight up goods and was offering what I felt was best for them and not what they so called wanted to hear. The conversations that have followed since have been far more productive than the one's I had prior to finishing my 1st PI.

That is when I knew I "Got It". The ability to deal with different personalities/realities and still be able to connect and lead them on the 80%.

Great post. Thanks for asking

Jason Sarai

Justine Boulin said...

being able to watch new coaches go through this process and eventually 'get it.' whether it's getting into a new role, or getting their customers engaged in destinations. To be able to watch their process and guide them to discover the answers for themselves (ie: destinations ARE the business not part of it, and work hard/get rewarded), has allowed me to realize that I 'get it', and can now help others to as well. If we didn't get it, we wouldn't be helping anyone get there fast.

Matt Young said...

i'll know when we've all truly got it - when i look at this post and see 12 responses to a great question.
funny, most people don't even use the help they get for free and then wonder around asking what to do...
i know you are finding this an interesting exercise and it's great to see you are sticking with it.

richard alm said...

It has taken me a long time to truly feel as though ‘I got it’ – ‘I get it’
I take time to revile that to new coaches too – ‘don’t worry, it will come – there is so much to get – just keep following the systems and …it will come’
Getting it needs to be automatic. Getting it is confidence in calling someone out for the betterment of THEM. Getting it is a daily grind that will become second nature.
Training for a purpose, challenge with a purpose, targeting with a purpose, helping with a purpose…etc
Or how about, sharing with a purpose – ya I think I get it!

Anonymous said...

Personally - don't think we ever do fully 'get it'- unless you define what you are 'getting'.

There is something always new to learn and a concept or lesson that is still to 'get'.

In our business, destinations are a HUGE part and are one of three things that differentiate us from the rest. However, there are so many lessons from that example alone to 'get':

1. What it takes to prepare for a destination

2. What it takes to lead someone a-z to a destination

3. What it takes to mentally overcome extreme physical challenges during a destination

4. What the impact of a personal victory will have on our business & how to maximize that at the highest level

...and the list goes on. That is for one concept. Let alone, managing people, leading ourselves, being an owner, etc.

If you asked me when I 'got it', it really depends on what we are 'getting'...because whether it was last year, last month, or last week - there is still MANY things to still "GET"

Nate said...

Every time i think that i've "got it" there is somethinig new to "get". I believe that i keep "getting it" on a new level every time... Like guy i believe that the fact that i do this job 7 days / week without even thinking about it is a testiment to "getting it".... But, now that i am involved with the sales role and working hard witht he rest of the team to fill the schedule, i see a whole other aspect to "get"... and i do "get it".
Tomorrow there will be something new for me to "Get"... Just like Curt said - "there is still MANY things to still "GET""

Jeff Dallin said...

Thanks for this Paul - "getting IT" is sometimes a tough thing when you are not sure what you are getting. I see new coaches struggle though this as well as some Vet coaches.

You "get IT" when you experience it for yourself!

Isabelle Julien said...

I get it with new things everyday. This is why I love this job, it challenges us non stop.