Tuesday, June 17, 2008


..They can come when least expected. We learn that we must take advantage of any opportunity that comes our way. You never know if that occasion will return or what may happen from acting on that prospect. It really comes down to asking yourself, ‘why not?’If we pass on something or don’t take full advantage, we may never know what could have been or what great things are waiting around that corner.
Last week I was given an opportunity to share in something special with a family of ordinary people doing an extra ordinary thing. Right now, a family is riding their bikes across Canada to help raise awareness and funds for juvenile diabetes…Daniel Hurtubise, has been living with juvenile diabetes (Type 1) since the age of 15. Now at 50, his diabetes hasn’t stopped him from living an active lifestyle and to continue to enjoy his passion for recreational cycling with his two children, Alexandre and Sonia. The departure of Ride of a Lifetime has taken place from Kits Beach on June 14th 2008, and the arrival in St. John's, Newfoundland, is scheduled for August 12th, 2008.
Basically around three weeks ago, Daniel and his family drove a motor home over from their home in Quebec. They took their time and rested along the way. The motor home is equipped with a trailer and is well branded with their sponsors’ logs. This ride has been in the planning stages for around 3years and is now finally happening (as you read this!)
Back to the opportunity…last week I received an email inviting myself and the other cross Canada H2V riders to participate in this ride out of Vancouver. Without hesitation I replied and committed to being there. ‘This is an opportunity I will not miss’, I said to myself.
Saturday morning came and I was proud to wear my H2V gear as I headed out my door on my bike. We rolled into Kits beach and were met by a small crowd, some media cameras and a family of bikers. A short service at the water edge and we were off. Big smiles all-round as we pedaled east and had a media van racing around filming the first stage of this journey across Canada. Their goal is 150km/day and as mentioned, this will get them to the east coast around August.
With 50km complete, Kyle and I turned around and headed home. But not before wishing our new friends good luck and a farewell.
We must never pass on an opportunity or overlook something that may be no big deal to you, but may be a very large deal to someone else.


1 comment:

Guy Demong said...

Thanks Richard - I always try to think about this exact question when somebody asks me if I'd be interested in doing something. "In 20 years, what's going to matter more...". If it's something that will matter in 20 years - then it's an opportunity not to be missed.