Thursday, October 30, 2008

Do your homework

I cannot stress how important it is to do your own homework when making decisions in life. Two years ago I trained a man who introduced me to the stock market. This is something that I absolutely had no idea about. I was like a sponge absorbing every bit of information I was told by this guy. It sounded too good to be true. Doubling your money on a stock within a few months and then putting your profits into the next stock was the belief I had about the stock market; or at least what I was told. He told me that I cannot start an account with him since he dealt with larger accounts; however was directed to start up with an account with his brother. I decided to go to the bank and take out $3000 and start off small since I did not fully trust that it was just that easy to play the stock market. Within 10 days my $3000 was worth over $5000. Wow $2000 profit in 10 days. I did not tell my family or friends and decided to go big on the next stock my broker got me into. I was laughing in my head thinking this is so easy. I decided to borrow $5000 from my mom, add in the $5000 I have accumulated and add in some of my saving funds from another account into the next stock my broker got me involved with. This deal sounded so good that I was now floating on cloud 9. Today where is that money? If I took my money out of my brokers account I would have absolutely no money in it; or very little. What happened to the promise I was told.

Now looking back at what went wrong:

· I did not do my own homework or research.
· I did not ask for advice, nor did I ask questions about the broker I was involved with.
· I gave my money to a guy I did not know or trust.
· When things sound too good to be true, be skeptical. Life just isn’t always that easy.
· Invest money in something that you believe in or a company that has built success over

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