Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Twelve years ago, I worked at an outdoor school and recreational camp. That's me, second from the right - "Young Guns" theme.

So, as I went into my last year of work there, the Calgary YMCA decided to make the camp "smoke-free". I was fairly indignant - I felt that this was a ridiculous and unenforceable regulation that would create an entire sub-culture of people sneaking off to smoke, causing a massive mess in the forest as well as creating a fire hazard. In my opposition, I went so far as to write the CEO of the Calgary YMCA, and state my position - highlighting the fact that, while we were preaching a healthy lifestyle, we continued to feed kids hamburgers, french fries, and other nonsense that just heightened our hypocrisy.

However - and here's the key point - while I was writing these letters, I was always careful to point out that although I may not agree with this direction, I recognized that I had a choice... I was under no obligation to work there. I further told them that while I may disagree vehemently with their stance, if the decision was put through despite it's complete illogic... I believed in the place and what it stood for, and would ultimately support their position.

And that's what I'm getting at.

You always have a choice. If something comes down from your supervisor/manager/general manager/CEO/owner that you don't like, it's as easy as submitting a resignation. This would always be better that having the back and forth where the employer continues to try and convince the employee why their right, only the have the employee continue to resist.

It's simple - when it's your company, you call the shots. Until then, either do the job that you're asked to do, or find somewhere else to work. Stop trying to change the rules to fit you - the real world doesn't work that way.

Remember the words of George Bernard Shaw: The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.

Which are you?


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