Tuesday, October 7, 2008

ready - set - go!

About 2 weeks ago a customer told me they wanted to lose some weight. ‘Ok’ I said, ‘let’s get out for a short run - see you Thursday’
‘See you them’, they replied.

After our run on the Thursday I told them to sign us up for the 5km Run for the Cure – a charitable run benefiting the race to find a cure for breast cancer.
With little resistance they accepted. All I told them was the by-product of training for and completing this run will burn a great amount of calories…
We ran 1 more time before the Sunday – an easy 4km walk/run.
2 days before the run the customer calls me up and asks, ‘what time do I go to bed, what time do I get up and where do I park?’
Instantly I replied, ‘get to bed before 11, get up at 7:30 and pick me up at 8:15!’


My alarm went off on Sunday morning – 7:45 – I reach over and grab my phone – ring ring – ‘heelllooww….’ The exhausted voice answers…I was silent…’just kidding!’ she yells – laughing. ‘I’m on my way to your place!’
‘Wow, way to go!’ I respond, ‘see you soon’

Within the hour we were gathered along with around 12,000 runners’ downtown – it was amazing – the sun came out for the start and the energy was light – very calm.
As the start gun went off, the participants migrated towards the start line and slowly poured into the streets. A loop of china town, around Science world, over the Cambie bridge and back past BC place – a lovely little course.

We ended up running the majority of the distance – only stopping 2 times to walk for 30sec. With arms high in the air we raced through the finish line! Smiles everywhere, it was a great moment.
The next day she asked, ‘when’s the next event?’
‘It’s in 2 weeks’, I reply ‘you will need to run 4 times by yourself to get you there – Ill run the race with you’
‘let me know how far and when – I’ll see you at the start line’ she answers back…

Confidence/Motivation + Education/time with = Physical Success

Do you know how it feels to share a customers’ finish line moment?

1 comment:

jiwanaka said...

Thanks for sharing. Great story Richard. It feels amazing being a great support and challenging a customer.