Thursday, January 1, 2009

Take the Lead and Create the Mood

It is crazy to think that a tennis ball can create a change in the mood on the training floor at Innovative Fitness. The tennis ball does not change the mood; however what is done with the tennis ball that can change the mood on the training floor.

Take this example for instance: Leaker gets hit with a tennis ball thrown by Jeff, Leaker then throws the tennis ball at Josh, Josh thinks Richard threw the ball and hits him in the butt. The next thing you know we have a playful mood on the training floor. Creating a playful hour is great for the hours where everybody knows eachother on the floor.

Example 2: Richard is pumping up the fitness challenge with Ian and creating this presence around the targets. What happens, three other coaches follow and do the fitness challenge and Richard continues to call coaches out to take part in the fitness challenge.

Example 3: The training floor starts to get fairly busy but the energy is not quite there. Justine puts in her favorite Britney Spear CD on and starts to bounce around and then Jeff and Leaker start to dance around. Instantly you notice that we all start to project our voices more and create a sense of urgency. As a coach when the energy is low, music is a good tool to create a change in mood.

These are three examples how as coaches at Innovative Fitness we all need to take the lead to create energy or change the atmosphere in the facility throughout the day. If a fellow coach is keeping to themselves, throw a ball at them and give them a wake up call.

1 comment:

Joshua Allen said...

Thanks Jeff. What I like is that positive energy becomes infectious. Anyone of us can create a wave in this world.

On a side note, throwing balls is fun but please be careful that customers and noone wants to be hit in the eye. Use common sense.
