Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Leading the Pack

I've had the pleasure of riding with a wide variety of different skill levels over the last three years, and recently realized what a difference it makes having the person leading the pack having a good grasp not only of riding, but how to direct the pack. They point out dangers, confidently and carefully lead us around them if they are across our path, and lead us on an appropriate route - whether it is meant to be challenging, reassuring, comfortable or instructional.

What I've also noticed is what it's like to ride in an entire pack of riders who are all capable of leading the pack... because when it's your turn directing them, you don't have to keep turning around to see how they're doing. You know that when you change lanes, point out potential problems or climb a major hill, they are either going to keep up or, at worst, catch up at the next stop light. When everyone is capable of leading, when you are designated to lead you can have faith that all will be with you...

Essentially, the goal is to bring everyone up to your level of riding (or better), because when this is the case the entire group will move towards the finish line that much faster....


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