Tuesday, April 28, 2009

..Step by Step..

Overdoing it is a risk we all face in our profession. Especially surrounded by a younger team each year that push us to be young again…We each push the limits of our bodies and we each may even push past our limits and jeopardize an injury. No matter how many times we tell our customers not to over-train or over commit, sometimes we even fall victim to this reality.

In two weeks I am going into a private medical center and having my right knee worked on. For around $4500 + change I am having my meniscus trimmed and any excess material cleaned out of that knee…

I have always felt my knees after years of skiing hard and general abuse to my body in my younger years of manual labor and chronic tightness! Getting on Team IF had me taking care of my body in ways I had never thought possible…but it also had me using my body in ways I never thought possible…

The pinnacle of my physical ended up being last summer when we were racing a 7day mountain bike race, a half ironman and racing through the west coast trail…along with our local fun events and finishing the year with a handful of 10km’s and half marathons the issue was right around the corner. The winter was full on with spin classes and by mid January, the pain became very intense and too much to handle. Even lying in bed or driving my car became agonizing. The thought of something broken in my body was very new to me. I was used to being down for a week or two but then everything working out by itself was the norm…

There was no choice. Luckily, we train an MRI tech and they had me scanned within a week of asking + when I need a CT scan I was in that weekend. Wow, I was happy to have saved over a year right there…next was to talk to someone about my results. I made an appointment with a sports Dr. forty days away…whoa, that’s a long time away I thought…again, I asked the team and before I knew it I had an in with one of the best knee doctors in the city.

All and all I saved major time and red tape…I’m not one to spend big bucks on things, but I will spend more to get something of high quality or will spend more to have something done right. But $4500 bucks! That’s a lot of cake…so I fired off an email to accounts payable. Well it turns out that over the past three and half years with Innovative, I have acquired over $4600 dollars in vacation pay! Well well, I would rather fly to the beach and pay for all day massages…but paying to get myself back on my bike will bring me far more enjoyment than a sunburn and hangover!

Look out van city, give me a couple weeks after surgery and we’ll be riding again – get ready!

Moral of the story, if you want something, makes it happen and don’t let money stand in your way…

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