Tuesday, May 26, 2009


My first real ride was just over an hour long…

Since it’s really what’s on my mind 24/7, Ill share again about my knee. This is the version of my first real ride this year…without that terrible pain of a flap of meniscus getting in the way, turning off my VMO and generating painful friction in the joint…

After a great sleep-in on Saturday, I was up and eating by 9AM. The knee was a little stiff and a slight limp was in my step. This seems to be the norm these days. Almost two weeks after surgery and I can’t ask for anything more because I’m healing fast but the constant reminders are humbling. The reminder of the knee being swollen, sore and even the swelling hindering the full extension of the knee. Let’s not even talk about the flexion. I normally can sit right down on my haunches quite comfortably, but not lately. I am excited to gain my flexibility back and this is improving daily so this is great.

Back to Saturday… After laundry and putting some things away I had sorted out some bike gear that needed to go back into my bike bag (where I keep my jerseys etc.) I sorted out some gear and ended up putting together everything I needed for a ride. I must admit, after sunscreen and pumping my tires, it must have taken me 45min to walk out my door (I am way out of practice!)

Before I knew it I was out on my street and slowly riding away. I even walked up the driveway at my building and started on the flat ground. I was in my full kit with one water bottle… I knew I should be under an hour. I cruised down 6th and turned down Main. I was flying! I pulled the brakes and zipped to the west and headed towards UBC. A solid ride from my place any way you slice it…

I came to Cambie but ended up finding myself on the Cambie Bridge going into town. I didn’t really know where I was going but I didn’t want to go downtown (this is where I go to case cars and lights – I didn’t want to push that hard today – but I was getting really excited) I made a couple turns and came back over the Grandville Bridge. There were lots of cars and people out only Cornwall. The sun was hot…maybe the leg warmers were overkill… but I had a short sleeve top so all good. As I climbed up the hill away from kits beach towards point grey a truck pulled up within my peripheral and I noticed Sasha from Kits! Guy must have been in there too – it was Guys truck. A quick wave before they made their left hand turn…

All and all, I looped around UBC and had a little fun. I kept it in the small ring up front and tried to keep it under 200watts…well maybe I went over once…

The next morning I was up earlier for the NS Bike Fest and the knee felt…not bad. I am stoked that there wasn’t any major inflammation.

Bone Crushing Rides by July!

See you out there!

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