Thursday, May 28, 2009

The List

This is not a new concept but certainly an important one. The topic has been discussed at length in the past but I would like to share my own personal experience and perspective. Many of us have heard about bucket lists or even completed the process of writing one. Whether you want to call it ‘bucket’, ‘before I die’, or ‘while I’m alive’ doesn’t really make a difference but I personally prefer the latter because I think it reflects the glass half full mentality. After some sharing and communication on the weekend amongst teammates I finally sat down and hammered out my very own list. I found the process to be a lot of fun because it allowed me to reflect on where I’ve come from, where I currently am and where I want to go. I debated whether I should incorporate things that I have already accomplished and concluded that these items should definitely be included. After all it allowed me to stir up some great memories and take pride in the fact that I’ve accomplished some things that others wish to do. If you already have a list I encourage you to revisit, modify and reflect because it should never be stagnant.

So what is the next step for me? 1. Sharing and 2. Planning.

1. As a team mate mentioned to me, “Don’t keep it a secret. You will be amazed how many people (teammates & customers) might have similar goals and want to organize something”. Who knows… maybe someone has a relative who works at the Old Head golf course in Ireland and can save me the $500 green fee. We are incredibly fortunate to be a part of an amazing company that embraces destination fitness. Perhaps someone can assist me in achieving one of my items or maybe I can help someone attain one of their goals.

2. ‘If you fail to plan, you plan to fail’. In this case not exactly fail but more like ‘plan to accomplish nothing’. I was given the advice a while back to always write down plans because they will be much more likely to happen. After completing my quarterly plans I’ve definitely found that this is the case. Instead of having a bunch of ideas stored up in my head I had a tangible list to constantly revisit and check off once completed.

Over a year ago I stated, “My previous experiences with my two passions, team sports and travel, have always been independent of each other. As a member of Team Average Joe I intend on pushing myself outside of my comfort zone and leaving footprints where I had never dreamed possible. This will allow me to take the next step and combine my two passions by surrounding myself with a group of like-minded people who are on the same path as me”. There is no doubt that I have had an incredible year. I look forward to remaining in this positive atmosphere and checking items off of my list. He/she who dies with the most toys still dies but he/she who dies with a completed ‘while I’m alive’ list lived one hell of a fulfilling life and that is what it’s all about. Leave your mark and have absolutely no regrets.

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