Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wisdom Teeth and Popcorn

When I was 21, I needed to have my wisdom teeth taken out. Well, I went in for my appointment and they told me that I wouldn't be able to eat popcorn for the next year because of the holes in my gums. I was dismayed - then realized that I rarely ate popcorn. Suddenly, though, losing the option made me appreciate popcorn that much more...

I think that the same thing could happen if you suddenly found that the government took away your democratic privilege of voting. How would you feel if suddenly, the government said "I know best - I'm just going to make the decisions for you, and you're just going to have to live with it"? How would you feel if suddenly you were living in a dictatorship, benevolent or otherwise? Well, according to our latest statistics - at least 35% of you shouldn't care at all, because you haven't bothered voting in any previous elections and clearly don't give a damn how the country's run. But I'll bet if this were to become a reality - then all 35% of you would bang your fists on the table, grab a self-righteous placard or two, and march on the government buildings demanding the right to be heard.

So - if you're not interested in living in dictatorship, why are you not taking part in the democracy that's right there in front of you?

A year's a long time without popcorn - a lifetime without being heard is unimaginable.

Get out and vote this weekend.


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