Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Buzz…I need a program…

I’m sure we all love to get these messages. On the weekend I had a blackberry messenger come through. Help, I need a program! I hit back and said, ‘I fine, thanks for asking ;)’

Right away the small talk started but we quickly got on task and started to gather information.

I need to lose weight she texted…oh, god not this again I thought – I immediately clicked my cell and called her…

‘Ok,what’s with you wanting to lose weight, you don’t have weight to lose’, I explained.

‘I don’t like my hips’, she said (the classic reply from this friend)

‘ok, lets get serious, you have no weight to lose on your hips…the weight you want to lose is skin and even if there is a faction of excess weight there, that would be the hardest place to lose weight’, I suggested…

From there the conversation changed and we discussed other body issues that were going on. The conversation turned the corner and we talked about nutrition and effort with cardiovascular training.

‘I too busy to train 4-5 times per week’, she said ‘no you are not’ I replied right away, ‘you get what you put in – don’t cry to me if you want the moon but don’t want to work for it – the concept isn’t new, it’s called hard work and effort’

‘fine’, she reluctantly said

The rest of the 40min dialogue was spent looking at some destinations coming up and us deciding to accept our bodies the way they are – for most, there isn’t too much we can do to drastically change our physical self.

The hard talks are needed. There is a line, but we must know that everyone wants to be challenged and that they crave someone to deliver the straight goods. Sometimes we take it too far and make mistakes, but that right there can be used to educate both parties on the what / why / how the conversation maybe escalated as far as it did. The motive will always be the same (because we care)

Be transparent with your communications and put in effort who are looking to change…

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