Thursday, June 25, 2009

Gain Perspective

We all realize that we are incredibly fortunate to work for a great company in a great city. What very few of us realize is how lucky we are to be experts on 'destination fitness'. There is no doubt that the concept works and it is a lot more fun than training without a purpose and staring at the scale every morning. As IF staff we are encouraged to push ourselves outside of our comfort zone and take part in events and adventures, both local and out of town. Many of us belong to a demographic whose goal is to save money and take the next steps when it comes to relationships, career and home ownership or rent. While some of the extravagant, international destinations can be expensive and seem out of reach at times I am of the opinion that the experience is absolutely worth the price.

Vancouver perennially ranks as one of the most livable cities in the world. In The Economist's 2009 study here is how the top 5 stack up:

  • 1. Vancouver, Canada - 98.0

  • 2. Vienna, Austria - 97.9

  • 3. Melbourne, Australia - 97.5

  • 4. Toronto, Canada - 97.2

  • 5. Perth, Australia - 96.6

For more details on this study click here: Most Livable Cities Ranking

This begs the question - why take the time, spend the money, and use the resources to get out of town when we live where most people in the world would love to be right now? Well, it's true that an entire lifetime of destinations could be accomplished in this very province such as skiing, snowboarding, white water rafting, sky diving, hiking, marathons, triathlons, mountain biking, etc. But staying in the comfort of your own background cannot offer what travelling to foreign places can. Here is my Top 8 List why you should experience international destinations:

8. Creates Memories. By visiting other countries you come in contact with people from different countries, cultures and way of life. Stay in a different place for long enough and you can meet new life long friends, people from a different world who can give you insight into your own life. Keep in touch and you've always got somewhere to visit.

7. They say nothing ventured, nothing gained. And the same goes for travelling. As you travel from country to country you pick up new experiences, make fond memories, and have stories you can tell back home to friends.

6. Education Outside the Classroom. The type of education you get from travelling is not the type of education you get in a classroom. It's better. It's practical and it will help you in your everyday endeavours.

5. "To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about other countries." - Aldous Huxley

4. First hand experience. Issues such as poverty aren't as real to most people unless they have seen the children playing with no clothes in the street. You will learn the importance of charities in poor places, the value of freedom, and how greedy some people can be.

3. Opens Your Mind. Many of us can not imagine how other people live, that computers and cameras, cars and microwaves are not everyday items owned by all. Travelling opens up our mind to the world we live in, to a world different from our own, and creates a more understanding and thoughtful person. It helps you appreciate what you've got.

2. In the words of Mark Twain, "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness."

1. Personal Growth. If you want to become a more cultured, educated and wise individual, travelling is the way to go. It not only opens up your mind, but also your heart. Your experiences force you to grow, to make decisions, to enjoy every aspect of your travels. It makes you a more tolerant, adaptable and patient person. You not only broaden your mind but have the opportunity to discover your self.

Even if you can't get 10 people to join you on a destination find a way to make it happen!

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