Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Close the loop

After a massive weekend of events, successful participation and completing goals, we see the benefits immediately. There are several results that commonly play out the pulls the IF community even tighter..

Of course the challenge of the event, the adversity of training and racing are major but in order to truly celebrate victory we must acknowledge ones path so far…

Supporting the event in real time is one of the most rewarding experiences. Doing the event selfishly is amazing, but really being there around every corner with a smile and an encouraging word is heart-warming at least.

Being at the actual finish is as big as it gets. The cheering, the high fives and looking into the eyes of that competitor is very rewarding.

The next steps to the process are key to keeping the momentum of the challenge, adversity and victory cycle…
A supportive card, phone call or emails with photos attached begin the process but there are other steps to consider.

Face to face recognition along with thunderclaps and public support tie the knot tighter. A coffee or stretch together is appropriate and truly listening to someone reflecting during this time is important.

Absolutely making a major deal about it is the way to go. They will have been talking to loved ones and friends. Even work mates are probably asking why they may be limping or where they got their sunburn!

Rarely will a new challenge be put on the table right away after a major destination, but it’s important to understand that timing is everything. Turn down the heat, but understand the reality of that customer you are challenging. Quite simply, they just may want to get back to their family and stay away from training for a moment.

A real-time example could be a customer I have been training. The journey really started in early fall and all the steps along the way really lead her to the start line of the oliver ½ Ironman this past weekend. But if I was to spin around and deliver another challenge right now, she would stop dead in their tracks and not want to entertain the thought versus another customer who still has another step to go by completing the full Ironman in August…

Every case scenario will require a different tactic to get them to another start line.

Whatever the step may be, follow through and close the loop…we are a destination business and we facilitate personal reinvention through physical challenge, adversity and victory…don’t let it stop with you...

What are you training for?

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