Friday, May 9, 2008

Can you be counted on?

We are in the business of helping people. People come to us for the expertise and guidance we offer in the realm of lifestyle management. In our daily interactions we face many situations in which we are required to go above and beyond the training hour to help people get to where they want to be. It is a reality that we must be aware of but most importantly, follow through on.

Weather during the training hour or in your personal life it is easy to be engaged in conversation and forget about little things you say you will do. Not being mindful on your words and forgetting, (no matter how small your promise) can lead to a loss of credibility by over-promising and under-delivering.

-I will call your physio and learn more about your injury. What is her number?
-Your program will be completed by your next workout.
-Customer says they want to try trail running and you say “I’ll get you some info”
-I will call Keith at NSA and have a pair put aside for you.
-Check your email, by tonight I will send you the itinerary for the Grand Canyon.

Whatever it might be, no matter how big or small, if you say you will do something for somebody then do it. With this you will more than likely get points in other peoples books when you do what you say especially when it is above and beyond. If you know that you are not able to deliver something within a certain timeframe then do not say you will do it. If you are the type of person who forgets things talked about then write it down immediately to ensure that it is not overlooked and that it gets completed. After all, your word is riding on it.

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