Monday, May 26, 2008

learn and live

People come and people go – as any company will have its turnaround of employees. People leave for many reasons – some good, some not so good. By hiring the right person in the first place, only good people will leave your working environment. Good people who have come, taken advantage of the support and systems, passed on their knowledge and skills for others to learn from and left to go onto other exciting opportunities for them. Nothing wrong with this at all. We preach how important it is to be passionate about what you do, and this in turn will lead to success beyond what you dreamed possible. And well, fact of the matter is, not everyone is passionate about what you are passionate about. So they use their great skills to contribute to a higher cause, but eventually something else will call at them and they head in that direction.

Unfortunately not all leave this way. Some were the wrong people from the beginning, or maybe they were thought to be the right person, but now with an entire bus full of the right people, it becomes painstakingly obvious they are the wrong person. They know it, you know it, it’s no secret. Understand that we are only as good as the members in our teams. The more great people, the better off we all are. The unfortunate thing in this situation, is that the individual often doesn’t see the real time work and effort that’s gone into trying to ‘help’ them realize that they can easily become the right person and flourish – it’s easy really, get rid of the ego – realize we all have issues to work on, then just do it – no more excuses, take the feedback and allow others to hold you accountable to what you want to achieve and then (and this is the hard part) execute what you claim you know you are capable of. what happens when someone changes the rules of the game and decides to be the victim - that everyone was out to get them, - those accusations come flying – and those that are trying to help will rightfully step away and quickly watch it figured out..but by then it is too late

What does this mean for us as leaders. Well, don’t expect this person to leave in a good way – in fact they will probably break every rule in the book. Don’t be surprised when they don’t hold up to how they say they want to leave, when for the past year they’ve been saying one thing and turning around to do the complete opposite. And defiantly don’t expect a ‘thank you’ for the time invested – in fact you’ll probably hear your name slandered in future conversations as someone who was ‘mean’ and ‘not very nice.’

The great news and the most fantastic part of all is – that when this person leaves (and people will forget in exactly 14 days), is that life goes on – and we are doing so many great things now by being surrounded by numerous like minded individuals that there is no direction to go but up. No more drama, no more frustrations, no more covering up – time to keep kicking ass for as long as possible! Don’t dwell, don’t wonder where you went wrong. Learn and live for next time....but hopefully there will be no next time!

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