Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Do we need it?

What kind of stuff do we really need to get by? Do we really need all that crap they keep telling us to buy? Well, not exactly…Million dollar questions I’m sure – but to bring it back a few steps and to educate through personal examples and experiences…
A couple months ago I was doing what I do every day. Heading to work in the small hours of the morning… I have a efficient and precise routine for the start of my day. I wake up before my 4:50am alarm. A half a litre of water and my juice plus+ goes down before I stand up. I walk to my kitchen, turn on my espresso machine and grind some beans. I spin around to open my fridge. Lunch and breakfast materials are placed on my counter and I get to work. If I haven’t already made my lunch from the night before - I quickly prepare a couple sandwiches and load up my bag with mixed nuts and fruit. At the same time I am either preparing oatmeal or eggs on toast. While that stuff is cooking I’m in the shower and changed in minutes. Within 25min of opening my eyes I’m usually walking down to my car and on autopilot.
Now, back to a couple months ago…I was driving down Georgia and then suddenly was ricocheting into the oncoming lanes. A cabby was on his phone and pulled a high speed (out of nowhere!) uturn and totally blasted my car in the process. I was in complete shock as I held the wheel, ripped into the empty lanes and parked the car on the opposite side of the road heading the wrong way. We hit hard. I was instantly mad because I was driving an accident free ultra mind ’92 jetta…
To speed up a bit, the minimal damage turned out to be enough the write the car off. What!? I was really shocked because I totally love my car and I treat things really well so they last forever. Eg. My favourite jeans are like 8yrs old and just started to get rips in the knees…
So, the hunt began - I needed a car - Craigslist here I come. Holly crap that sucked! Searching all the time. Keeping track of what’s being sold and bought. Nothing really cool, everything was over-priced and nothing seemed to have been taken care of so preciously as my black beauty of a jetta. The whole thing really got to me. It pretty much all came down to debit servicing for me…so, how much does one pay for a depreciating luxury asset? If you go too low, you end up with something that will die early and if you go too high well then you are a fool because there are better things to spend ones money on…
Humm, this was a tough one and I really wanted to secure something appealing to me to top it off. God damn, 'beggars can’t be choosers' I thought…
Anyways, I finally found a car and it’s getting inspected like ‘today’ and now I am forced to do an accident and lien search. 'Can’t everyone be legit and good in our world?' As the dust settles, it appears that I have found my needle in a hay stack. An inexpensive car that’s relatively new and is the top model of its time…it’s in fairly mint shape, safe and looks somewhat sexy…well, well…
As the ICBC claims adjuster said to me a couple months ago as he wrote off my car, ‘it’s an end of an era bud’ and now I’m thinking, ‘it must be the beginning of another’
Now if I wasn’t addicted to having a car in the first place this would have been an easy fix. But I’ve developed a love affair for driving and easy convenience…and since I’m willing to pay for this luxury, I guess I need a car, but I do feel I’ve come out on top and met the balance of ‘Want and Need in relation to Debit Servicing’
Educate yourself with the options so you will be better equipped to make that final decision…

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