Monday, January 26, 2009

Keep it Clean!

Over the past couple of weeks, Vancouver was covered in fog. You could hardly see the car in front of you when driving, see any mountains or even the skyscrapers of downtown Vancouver. However when you escaped above the fog you were presented with warm, clear blue skys. A completely different environment from that below and you felt that you were on top of the world.

This phenomenon was caused due to a change in atmospheric pressure called Inversion. Scientifically inversion is a “deviation from the normal change of an atmospheric property with altitude.”

What causes inversion?
Basically, inversion happens when air is colder near the surface of the earth, and a warmer, less dense air mass moves over the cold air.

For us Vancouverites, we were all amazed by this weather and purposely drove up to the higher ground to see the city covered in fog. Luckily, the inversion that we experienced was a natural weather phenomenon. Other cities like Mumbai, India, Lose Angeles, California and Mexico City live with this fog all year round due to pollution. The air there is murky because of the dust and pollutants cannot be lifted from the surface.

The natural beauty and clean environment that we are fortunate to live in, here in Vancouver is something that we should not take advantage of. We should all do are part to help keep our city clean by individually doing your bit, for example, turning your lights off or biking to work.

We live in such a beautiful city, and sometimes take it for granted. People are starting to move to Vancouver from other smog-infected cities because the air and environment is clean and fresh here.

We can all do our bit, let’s continue to keep Vancouver beautiful.

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