Friday, January 23, 2009


Recently I was reading an article about the kabbalistic view of people and the purpose they have in our lives. According to this article, each one of us came to this world to transform and to become a better version of ourselves. And it is this very same transformation that brings more light, blessings and fulfillment into our lives.

This is why, in order to facilitate our personal evolution, we are each born into the exact situation that will best push those buttons of correction that need pushing. The people within our lives are there for a very important purpose – one that is not always comfortable (change is rarely comfortable). Their purpose is not always to make us feel good, but to push us in ways that enable us to grow and change.

I think that when we are able to see people through this lens, it gives us a greater appreciation for our relationships – even those aspects we find difficult and uncomfortable. It awakens an understanding of what is my lesson, and what is it I am meant to learn?

Relationships are here to help us grow. There is a beneficial reason these souls are in our lives. And remember, no relationship is perfect.

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