Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Another Post on the Sun Run

Okay, so probably everyone has something they want to share about the Sun Run - and that is a huge testament to the event, when so many stories can come from the same singular happening. Some are inspiring - such as Monday's post - and I truly enjoy reading those.

Now, in keeping with the positive vibe, I'm going to be temper my usual, poorly hidden irritation and try a different approach. I'm going to gently ask.

What, Guy? you question. What are you going to ask?

Just a few, simple things. Firstly - please, sign up for the speed you are actually able to do. While I think it's great for you to challenge yourself - if you put yourself down for a sub-40minute time and wind up walking in the first kilometer, you've significantly overestimated your ability. And you are one of the people that slow down the run for the rest of us. NOT, mind you, that I'm going for a personal best - this is all in fun. But it's not fun when I have to keep dodging you in the first kilometer.

My second request is that you actually start at the gate that you're supposed to. If you're wearing a race number that implies you're going to be walking... again, how do I wind up behind you within that first kilometer? I'm not fast... but I'm not
that slow. Please, start with the group you're supposed to - don't push your way to the front because you want to get on the course more quickly. Again - you wind up creating a traffic jam behind you.

Finally, if you're going to walk (and let me be clear: there's nothing wrong with that!!), please,
please do so off to the side... and single file. Don't force me to push through a solid wall of walkers... I feel rude about it, and quite frankly, not everyone will be as gentle or courteous about it, which raises a safety issue.

Bottom line, this is a great event that can be enjoyed by many, many people - but it takes some consideration on each of our parts for the other 55, 245 people running with you.

See you next year.


1 comment:

richard alm said...

I agree guy.
we started at the back of the walkers – like behind us was the barricade closing the staging area! Anyway, we crossed the start line at 10:17am and even after walking for 2hrs, guys were flying past us…next year a group could start at the line at 10:30am and crush the course!