Tuesday, November 10, 2009

..if you can help a teammate - do it, if you need help - ask!..

The more successful you become the bigger target you are...and the easier it is to hit. Being at the top is lonely and definitely not easy. In fact, in business you are working more & making less (in terms of billable hours). Ensure you have a strong foundation so that you can enjoy the success that much more..

2009 has been another big year for everyone. Personally I have been making strides/ having success in many forms of my professional career with regards to mentorship, leadership and team personal inventory understanding. Continuing to raise my awareness of management and ownership mentality has provided a taste of what’s behind the curtain many times. For this I am grateful and appreciative of those willing to spend time to continually mentor and lead me in the right direction.

There are many things we discuss daily and lessons repeatedly being taught. Our expression ‘saying the same thing many different ways’ is powerful because it seems that the messages come through at different times and sometimes the message needs to be repeated frequently for they really stick...

Notably, last week had many take-aways and I wish to share some of my thoughts.

Make yourself available – if a teammate needs you, be available. Period. Find the solution. Recently I was asked to meet by a coach who was fed up with me. Many things I regularly did frustrated them, so much that they had ill feelings towards me. Solution – communicate and time with, immediately. When we spend time together, we develop trust based relationships. Enough said.

Make it about them – if you are busy and thinking about many things, don’t wait to be engaged by a teammate or customer. Take all opportunities to engage and make it about their experience. High team and customer morale is vital. Not paying attention will cause suffering within any relationship.

Anytime something goes wrong or there’s a problem, look at yourself first. Ask yourself; what could I do in this situation to provide the best solution? How do I learn from this and what’s my plan to share what I’ve learned?

Think/ plan/ share/ execute (can refer to anything)

Recognizing and communicating everything – coaches / customers. What I’m doing (for me and you), why I’m doing this (for me and you) and how I’m going to make it better (for me and you)

As tasks increase and we take on additional focuses, we need to be prepared to dial up our sensors. It’s inevitable that when taking on more and more, there will be a breakdown. The team is watching and looking for leadership.


Don’t fight anything someone comes to you with because of any of the above listed has been executed poorly. Seize the opportunity to produce the best possible solution. And if you don’t know, ask!

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