Wednesday, November 11, 2009

November 11th

How many of us took today as a holiday, and spent the day catching up on housework, chores, reading, cleaning, eating, sleeping... and so on?

More importantly - how many of us took the day to reflect on what it is meant to honor? Not nearly enough, I'm sure.

This day is not a "celebration". This is not a day that should be taken lightly, nor should it pass without a proper amount of recognition. This is a time to put your political beliefs aside, and recognize the contribution of the men and women who have made the ultimate commitment, in some cases the ultimate sacrifice, to do what they believe was right - protecting both our own country, and the people of other countries unable to protect themselves. And while you may not agree with it - never disregard the depth of this undertaking.

It is my sincere hope that someday, in the not too distant future, there will be no need for a military. That we won't be sending the young men and women of our country, some barely old enough to vote, into foreign lands where they are not wanted, often to be criticized and vilified by people at home. However, I hope that we, as a country and as a species, never fail to honor and recognize the sacrifices made by those before us to protect that most fragile human right: freedom.

If you haven't yet done it - please, take two minutes of silence. For while we need to evolve and advance....

We must never forget.


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