Monday, November 30, 2009

Think Twice

In your day, your week, or your month things happen. There are issues, events or actions that brighten your day and make you feel good about yourself or there are other times where certain things/events/actions knock your confidence, make you think twice about something, and/or second guess yourself. But the reality is when these negative things happen at these times, the best solution is to get over it and move on. I feel that sometimes, as human beings, we dwell on the negativity when in fact; life is too short to get hung up on the negative side of life.

I had the privilege to attend the Canucks Place “Lights up the Hospice for the Holidays” event tonight. The children that attend this hospice are those that are fighting for their lives every single moment of the day. The small negative upsets that may occur in our day are nothing to what these children are going through.

The event was a celebration of the start of the holiday season. Filomenia Nalewajek (the CEO of Canucks Pace and a customer of ours) paid tribute to the wonderful volunteers, including the gardeners that spent weeks erecting the lights for the benefit of all. She also thanked the sponsors and the community that constantly help towards running this Hospice. I found this event a very moving occasion, to see the joyful faces of some of the children, being amazed by all the lights while listening to the Bach choir sing Christmas carols. It makes one truly realize how special this organization is. The people who are involved are one of a kind because they care so much about the families and children who are in these difficult situations.

When we get tied up with our day to day problems it really means nothing compared to what these children and their loved ones are going though. It puts reality into life.

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