Regardless, though, as I see all the information (and misinformation) swirling around, I'm reminded of yet another one of my daily annoyances - ignorant opinions.
You see - I'm an opinionated person. So I get it. If we were to get right into the truth, I think more people out there could come up with an opinion - at least it shows some degree of interest in the world around them. However, I think that the problem lies in that people will often form those opinions without the necessary pause to understand the topic - they hear a snippet and lock onto it as fact. The problem is not opinions - it's when opinions are mistaken for actuality. This is dangerous for the people possessing them... but also for the people who take it as truth without looking a little further into it.
Please - all I ask is that before you start sounding off on something, do your research. In fact - try to see it from all angles, so that if you engage in a healthy debate on it, you're not reduced to name calling and rhetoric.
Remember - just because you have the right to one, does not guarantee you will be taken seriously.
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