Wednesday, December 23, 2009

As I sit at my parents house in Calgary, staring at the Christmas tree, presents and stockings (which my wife stubbornly insists on calling "socks"... I mean seriously...), my thoughts drift forward to the few hours after Christmas finishes. It's in that time that, inevitably, we tend to feel that melancholic depression that sets in once the presents are unwrapped, the food is eaten, the toys are played with.


It's because, as a society, we look at this time of year as the ONLY time that we focus on "being good", showing "forgiveness", and open generosity. But why? Why do we limit ourselves and those around us this way?

I offer all of us, myself included, a challenge. Don't let this one time of year be the point where you think about others before yourself, where you make a point of seeing family, where you touch base with old friends. Don't wait for a time that's been corporately engrained in your head as "the right time".

On December 26th, continue to spread joy and happiness to all those around you the same as the day before. Do a random act of kindness, make a donation, call an old friend - and now keep that momentum going for 364 more days.

Merry Christmas, and happy holidays everyone.


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