Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Think Before You Speak

Back in university, while I was earning my acting degree (which has, so far, definitely been worth the money invested), I worked with a theater company. As someone who enjoyed the idea of special FX make-up, I actually apprenticed under the company's head make-up artist, and was able to put it to great use for characters like Ebenezeer Scrooge as well as many, many Halloweens.

Now, the head make-up artist and his wife used to love going to all sorts of conventions, including the Star Trek ones, because they'd generally walk away with the first prize for their costumes (the attached picture? Not either of them - but I needed an appropriate visual). Were they big prizes? Frankly, I doubt it - in fact, I have no idea what they won. Maybe it was just for pride... but whatever floats your boat, I guess.

Anyway, during one of the tutorials, they were showing the pictures from the most recent convention, where they were done up as Klingons. As per usual, the costumes were astounding - with the make-up being absolutely flawless. So good, in fact, that as I was flipping the pages I asked about one part in particular - the stage teeth. The crooked and somewhat discolored look was perfect for a Klingon.

"Where did you get those unbelievable fake teeth?" I asked her without looking up.

Yes. For those of you that have an uncomfortable feeling that you know where this is going - you're right.

"... those are my own teeth..." was her quiet response.

"Oh," I said.

Brilliant recovery? No. But what would you do? I followed that up by carefully scrutinizing a few more pages as I turned through the album in painful silence, before asking about the Borg costumes that came later and pretending I hadn't just put my foot so deeply in my mouth I was choking on my mid-thigh.

Regardless, I learned a valuable lesson at that moment, and use it as a metaphor throughout life - I try to pause for one moment and take as much in around me as possible before I speak. Or, in the immortal words of a caution sign my mother once put on my wall:

"Be sure brain is engaged before putting mouth into gear".

Words to live by.


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