Tuesday, December 8, 2009

What’s it going to be today?

On the heels of feedback, maybe we need to break down our approach to delivering. Maybe we need to focus on one topic per day to make it easy and to make it a habit in terms of just delivering.

I was thinking of a new way to convey feedback or just another way to hold team mates accountable. Was thinking that it could be easy to have each day a different theme…

Humm, maybe even post your intensions on your cubby. So what does that look like?

Well, first thing in the morning, post a note on your locker. ‘today will be all about the team doing towels’ then, all day, call on team mates for towels. Eg. Have you done a load of towels yet today? Or, do you know how many towels are in the bathroom? Or, how many towels have you rolled today?

This way, you have let your intensions known but posting a note for all to see and you are following up with your focus. The final piece of the puzzle is offering help or ideas to those who may need help or those who just aren’t regularly performing the IF towel service. ‘can I help you roll those towels?’ or, ‘lets unload this dryer and refill with those wet ones’ or, ‘lets both get some towels on the rack’

So, what else could we focus on during the week? Maybe it looks like this:
Mon: team energy
Tues: towels
Wed: hellos
Thurs: fitness challenge
Fri: cleanliness

The daily tasks can be switched each week and even switched completely or replaced with more pertinent topics (ie. Profiling, event promotion, etc.)

The funny thing is that there are tons of topics we as a team need to be aware of and too many to list that we as a team need to be holding each other accountable to..

So, what’s your daily focus?

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