Monday, December 28, 2009

What's Next.

With 2010 just literally around the corner, are you planning, goal setting and evaluating what is next to come in 2010 and are you taking the time to reflect what has happened in 2009. In our last week of 2009, have you achieve and accomplish what you set out to do this time last year?

I think it is important to remember that whatever you have done or will do, that your events, accomplishments, and goals are all building blocks to where you want to be (professionally ) and who you want to be. Not to long ago, a customer said to me that life is one big jigsaw puzzle and the things you do in life are all pieces of this puzzle that will eventually lead you to the finishing picture. At the time, you may not know why and where this piece of the puzzle fits but it will all come together and everything you have done will lead you to this.

Happy New Year, and may your dreams and aspirations be continued to be filled for 2010.

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