Wednesday, December 30, 2009

You're Part of Bigger Picture

A couple of incidences occurred over the last couple of days, one personally and one on a larger scale, that prompted me to write this blog.

First case: I was changing after a workout the other day at the rec center, and this guy comes in to get ready for his workout. Picture one of the jack-asses from Jersey Shore (no idea if this guy was Italian, and he definitely wasn't on steriods, but otherwise - you get the picture). Anyway, he puts himself at the end of the bench, then proceeds to change smack dab in front of the mirror, watching himself the whole time. To make matters worse, he pauses frequently to pose and flex.

Now, to be clear: we all know that we've done it (and don't you deny it). BUT: we do it in the privacy of our home, in front of our favorite mirror - not in public, flexing and making kissy faces at ourselves.

The second case is the one where a 19 year old whelp by the name of Brittney Simpson ran out and knocked down the Olympic torchbearer as part of her protest. Quite frankly, I'm getting sick of all the different special interest groups using the the Olympics as their own personal soapbox to grandstand some sort of (real or imagined) slight by the government, or society as a whole. In fact, people like Ms. Simpson take any sort of credibility and sympathy away from their cause - as of this writing, I have no idea what part of the Olympics she's protesting, nor do I care. I just hope they lock her ass up in jail for a couple of weeks for assualt.

The truth is, in both cases listed above the person forgot that they are part of a bigger picture, and in the end both wound up looking like morons.

To both parties, I would like to offer a little reminder: it's not all about you.


P.S. Happy new year to everyone - wishing you all the best for 2010!!!

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