Friday, May 23, 2008

Spare Change

There was a time when the amount of money I had was a huge focus for me. I would be concerned with how much I got on each paycheck and how much I was spending. I was not satisfied with the amount I earned and continually compared myself to peers who were making more than me. At times I caught myself not wanting to lend a dollar, tracking every dollar that was owed to me and always making sure every bill was split evenly. Somewhere along the way I changed this way of thinking.

Today each month brings me about $3000. Some months I make more and some months less and yearly that gives me about $40,000. In no way is this considered a lot of money. I am far away from being rich but I don’t concern myself with that. If you asked me, if I want to make more I will say yes… But I will also tell you that the amount I earn allows me to get what I need in life to both survive and have a fun time doing it.

I have been lucky that I never owed more than $10,000. That amount has been paid off with some small sacrifices and these days I only owe a visa at $1000. I put aside 10% of every paycheck for the future because it is a priority, I then pay my bills and of what remains I use it to enjoy life and share it with those around me. My attitude is easy come and easy go. Life is so short and money won’t do me any good when I die. I am also confident knowing that I will earn more in the passing of time because I am naturally taking the steps to do so.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not a pushover and will just hand out money to whoever asks for it. Nor do I frivolously spend money on things that I do not need. And I do not purchase things that exceed my earnings (unlike many who will buy something for $25 when they only $20 in their pocket). Yet I will tell you that if you need a red note I will give it to you without worry. If I lost a brown note on the ground it will piss me off for a moment. If a plane ticket costs $1000 to visit my family then so be it because I can’t take money with me when I die and in the greater scheme of things these amounts are nothing more than spare change. There is more where that came from for a hardworking individual who is ready to earn it and makes money doing what he loves to do.


Joshua Allen said...

I would like to add one more thing.... If you are stupid with your earning by spending beyond your means, blowing money on useless crap and having large outstandings to be paid then none of this is spare change and you will count every penny, worry and not enjoy life. Get what you need and the rest is spare change.

Matt Young said...

this was a very mature post. i hope that all of your people read it.

jiwanaka said...

Nicely worded Josh. Work hard and enjoy life. In the long haul, you will be happier and if you keeping working towards your goals in life, in no time you will be living your dream.