Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Levels of Honesty

In this day and age we are all busy and sometimes it can be a huge challenge to follow through and deliver what we promise or commit to do. Follow through at times can be taken lightly in society; however it should be taken seriously. Using an example on Monday, I asked Rob Elliott a fellow coach to clean the windows since they looked dirty. Instead of him saying yes right away; he paused, looked me directly in the eyes and said “Jeff, yes I will clean the windows right away”. Question is: Did he follow through with what he promised”? He certainly did and I continue to count on him because I know if he makes a commitment to do something, he will follow through and if he feels like he cannot, he will honestly say “no”.
Yesterday afternoon Rob led a staff meeting and this was one of the topics which came up. The concept he referred this to: Levels of Honesty. There are only two levels of honesty “Yes” or “No”; there are no maybes. Like Nike’s slogan says “JUST DO IT” and follow your word. Do not feel ashamed telling somebody, no I cannot do something. It is better than losing that persons trust in you.

How does this concept play a role in our relationships, friendships and work place. Are there times when there are two many things on your plate and you keep on taking on the responsibility of more items telling people that you will do it and fail to follow through. Rather than failing to uphold your level of honesty, it is better to say no at times.

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