Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Team, please if you will…

Talking about common sense here - Not excluding being careful and not running with scissors – but the common sense that we as a team need to have during every minute of our time in the facility.
We are looking for individual ownership of our space on a group level. Meaning calling someone out for not allowing the required flow during our hours…

-put your shit away
-clean up after yourself in the back room-if you see something out of place, take care of it immediately
-don’t set-up in the middle of someone’s doubles hour!

Don’t wait for another to come along and take care of your/our business. Be proactive and react right away when something needs to be done. Multitask and keep your eyes up…if a teammate is struggling you will be able to help out right away before it’s too late.

Seriously, first thing we must do when we walk in the door (am or pm crew) make sure the team is tight. Don’t be all selfish and only be concerned with yourself. There is a reason you are on this team and we need to be thinking of everyone when we get to work. Not to say that we can’t eat or drink water, but let’s get going here; check towels, cruise through the bathroom and take a mental inventory of our area. What needs attending too? What can I/we do for my/our team?
Weeks pass and the same overachievers consistently do 80% of the little things that some of us let slide.

*How many times have you stayed late to clean up at a party you were just at?
*Many hands make light work..
*How many times have you heard that it is imperative that there is more than one person saying the same thing…just in a different way? Well you are going to keep hearing that one.

What is common sense? It’s good judgment - sound practical judgment derived from experience rather than study. So as we spend too many hours to list on our craft, we are getting the experience AND hearing from our leaders (the one’s that have already learned from a mistake) We have the opportunity to not make those errors and rise up to deliver on a high level.

So ask yourself, are you letting things slide after a long weekend or are you performing at your highest level and challenging yourself to lead by example?

1 comment:

Guy Demong said...

Amen, Richard. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to point out what should be obvious common sense.