Thursday, August 28, 2008

Your Bible to Life

Your daytimer is your bible to lIFe.

We had a staff meeting last week focusing on organization skills; hence daytimers. Many of the daytimers were incomplete and did not even have the basics in it (week plan, playbook, little things for the week, tasks for the day etc). Kris and a few others had a very well planned out week in their daytimers. That is why those particular coaches are more productive throughout the week. On occasion there is a coach who can get away without using their daytimer; however that is rare. Yesterday Kris and I came across a daytimer which was been sitting in the management office for a few days. Why was nobody claiming it or even asking teammates if they have seen their daytimer? Obviously the coach who it belonged to was not using it as we opened up to see who it belonged to. It had limited details with pages ripped out; no name on the daytimer and it took us a few minutes to figure out what coach it belonged to. In my head I’m thinking, how do they keep track who they are training? How do they keep track of follow up e-mails, the little things, their own workouts, notes of things to be done for the week, promises they make to teammates/customers? A daytimer reflects the organization of the coach. An unorganized daytimer often will reflect what we know as a scatter brain coach. Without a plan, a coach who starts to take more duties on will either a. burn out or b. will lose their credibility with teammates/customers in following through with what they promise. Also, being organized and having times allotted for completing tasks throughout the week will hold the coach accountable for getting tasks done. When I walk into a week without planning ahead and not writing my week plan, I feel lost and unproductive. Where do I start?

Here are some of the items which are a must in each coach's daytimer:

1.) Playbook for the week.
2.) Week plan/prep.
3.) A to do list for each day of the week.
4.) Little thing items to be complete for the week.
5.) Your schedule for each work day should outline (customers you are training, your own workouts, time allotted for e-mails/files/programs, lunch breaks and other things appointments for the week.

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