Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Tiananmen Square Part II

So - since my last entry, an election has officially been called. October 14th, 2008.

And every time an election gets called I get back on my podium, because frankly, I find the voter apathy in this country to be shocking.

Gas prices. The homeless. Income tax. Health care. Afghanistan. Quebec's "special status". Our relationship with the states. The borders. Passports. The Young Offender's Act. The rights of criminals. Even CBC (who we all own through our taxes, since it's a government operated station) losing the rights to the "Hockey Night in Canada" theme song... all of these things we have the opportunity to voice an opinion on. Not directly, necessarily (although we could call up our MP), but through our vote.

Yes, it's supposed to be our right - but guess what. It's a privilege. The privilege of living in a country where we are actually allowed to voice an opinion, without the fear of repercussion that exists in a large part of the rest of the world. Imagine you lived in a country where this privilege didn't exist - in China, as I mentioned last week, 2000-3000 people died trying to gain the right to do what we all take for granted. In other parts of the world (North Korea), there are public executions of people who speak out against the government. In Afghanistan right now, the men and women of our Canadian military are dying at an alarming rate, trying to guarantee the people of that country the right to do what 35% of us in this country can't be bothered to do. If you're part of the 35%, then you are turning your back on all the people who have died fighting for this right, both from our own country and in the rest of the world - and you should be ashamed of yourself.

Some people may read this as a rant - because it is. Some people may find my tone offensive - I don't care. This writing has nothing to do with any political parties - just to get the people reading this blog, our leaders, to motivate others to go out and take part in our society.

"I don't follow what's going on" is not an excuse - you can log on here: and find all the information you need - it would take you one hour to catch up. Voting is your way of helping lead this country - and if you don't take part in the process, then don't bother sharing your opinion on anything that happens in the future. Because frankly, not voting means your opinion is irrelevant.

I, for one, want a say in my future.


1 comment:

Paul Chung said...

ok ok, i'll make sure i exercise my right to vote this time around.