Thursday, October 15, 2009

Currency: What's your exchange rate?

When going through my daughter's school bag recently I came across a note asking parents if they wanted to participate in a Christmas Shoebox program - essentially filling a shoebox with small items of clothing, toys, books, school supplies, hygiene items, as well as seven dollars to cover the shipping. The goal being not only to educate our little ones on the spirit of the season but also to provide the children of war-torn countries with the absolute basics.

Basic essentials. That really is what our 'currencies' boil down to. I don't mean socks and toothbrushes obviously, but for the most part our currencies are things like 'time' -having more of it and using it wisely, feelings of belonging - to society or smaller subcatagories like work or family, or a believing in a strong work ethic. Basic things that are what makes our days have a purpose and are the reasons that drive us.

Now it is easy to get caught up in our own world and definitely in our own currency and how we can balance it, spread it around, attain more of it but the essential lesson is to understand the currency of other beyond our family members and co-workers but to our customers also.

We all remember learning about our customers 'reality'- one of five to choose from will get us through the basics. But beyond that why does the business person work so much? What makes the stay-at-home Mom happy besides making a home? Where do they find intrinsic pleasure and satisfaction? Help the people you coach bring this to the forefront, work it into their goals and you will have the long term success you are both looking for.

-Angela Tames

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