Tuesday, October 6, 2009

that sparkle..

In 2003 my sister and I gave our dad and step mum some sessions for IF from a Christmas promotion, ‘sneaker stuffers’. They absolutely loved the sessions they received and began their journey with IF at the kits location.
My sister ended up starting up and found a current customer to train with. When her double couldn’t make it she would call me and ask if I wanted to go.
‘hell no’ I would reply, ‘I lift weights already’..having no idea what I was passing up. Finally I said I’d join her and I went early to the kits location to run on the treadmill before our hour. Within 10mins of the session I was getting crushed into the ground and by the time the hour was up I couldn’t remember my name let alone the different exercises I had been doing. Half a dozen bone crushing workouts in kits (by some classic trainers – james, guy, casey) my sister transferred over to west van and was a consistent 2-3x/week and loving it. I ended up trying a couple over there and was blown away by how bright, energetic and motivating it was. I’d be looking up at big carson with a sweaty smile and wondering more about this place.
It was in meeting Curtis that my interest peaked and after an amazing session I asked him, ‘how do I get your job?’
‘I’ve got an open hour, lets grab a coffee’, he said with a big smile.
Within 20min Curtis had written down what to do, what courses and certifications I needed etc.. That spark in his eye has stuck with me. He took the time to clearly lay it out.
Less than a year later I walked back into the facility and told him I was ready. I had learned what I needed to get myself in the door and secured an application. Within 4days I had gone through 2 interviews and was heading to my third. The following week I was in orientation and the week after that I was shadowing..I was wearing my team uniform and training customers before Halloween 2005..

Sure I had drive, desire and determination but I credit Curtis for that special spark and that energy that he provided when he used pure passion to share about the opportunity. It was my first of many challenges from team IF. I mean really, if you tell someone the steps on how to do something, isn’t it a challenge to take each step to meet them at the finish? Sound familiar?

We all have the choice and are able to if we use drive, desire and determination to empower and create that special spark for someone else let alone ourselves..

Figure out what’s holding you back.
Look beyond yourself.
Follow the systems.
Change yours and many others lives in the process..

Be that sparkle in the eye of motivation!

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