Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Dirty laundry

What’s with people airing theirs out in the open? We all have things on our mind and whether it’s first or second hand information, we all need to keep non relevant topics to ourselves. Being professionals in our field, we need to understand that our customers are coming to us for a workout versus gossip or to spread confidential matters with.

There are some common sense rules that may need to be refreshed...

-Leave your issues at the door when you come to work. Don’t even bother trying to solve personal issues while you work – guess what? Our customers are not coming to us to provide us with support because we are here to provide them the support

-guess who’s listening? Everyone. And guess what else, everyone is watching. It’s interesting because you may be doing everything right and never making any mistakes, but that one slip up you make will not go unnoticed. Even the most veteran coaches can fall victim to this. Pay attention because the walls have eyes and ears.

-it’s not about you…it’s about them. We provide a service. Are you aware of what that service is? It has nothing to do with anything but that person’s personal reinvention through physical challenge, adversity and victory.

Finally, if someone asks you about someone else’s dirty laundry, guess what? It’s none of your or their business. Period. Personal information is secret and well, private.

Don’t help create drama where doesn’t need to be any..

Thoughts or comments?

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